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Deerproof Your Hydrangeas: Ways To Keep The Deer Away

DeerProof Your Hydrangeas: Ways to Keep the Deer Away

Hydrangeas are beautiful flowering shrubs that can add a touch of elegance to any garden. Unfortunately, they are also a favorite food of deer. If you have deer in your area, you may be wondering how to keep them away from your hydrangeas.

There are a number of ways to deer-proof your hydrangeas. Some methods are more effective than others, and the best method for you will depend on your individual situation.

Physical Barriers

One of the most effective ways to keep deer away from your hydrangeas is to use a physical barrier. This could be a fence, netting, or even chicken wire. The barrier should be tall enough and sturdy enough to prevent deer from jumping or climbing over it.

If you have a small number of hydrangeas, you may be able to get away with using a simple fence or netting. However, if you have a large garden or a lot of hydrangeas, you may need to use a more substantial barrier.

Deer Repellents

There are a number of commercial deer repellents available. These repellents typically contain ingredients that deer find unpleasant, such as garlic, hot pepper, or rotten eggs.

Deer repellents can be effective, but they are not always foolproof. Some deer may become accustomed to the smell of the repellent and ignore it. Additionally, repellents can be expensive, and they need to be reapplied regularly.

Natural Repellents

There are also a number of natural deer repellents that you can make at home. These repellents typically contain ingredients that deer find unpleasant, such as human hair, soap, or mothballs.

Natural repellents are a good option if you are looking for a more affordable and environmentally friendly way to keep deer away from your hydrangeas. However, they may not be as effective as commercial repellents.

Other Methods

There are a few other methods that you can use to keep deer away from your hydrangeas. These methods include:

  • Planting deer-resistant plants: There are a number of plants that deer do not like to eat. Planting these plants around your hydrangeas can help to deter deer from visiting your garden.
  • Using noisemakers: Deer are sensitive to noise, so using noisemakers can help to keep them away. You can use things like motion-activated sprinklers, ultrasonic devices, or even just a radio that is turned on at night.
  • Changing your landscaping: Deer are less likely to enter areas that are well-lit or that have a lot of activity. You can make your garden less attractive to deer by removing cover, such as shrubs or tall grass, and by increasing the amount of light in your garden.


There are a number of ways to keep deer away from your hydrangeas. The best method for you will depend on your individual situation and budget. By using a combination of methods, you can help to keep your hydrangeas safe from deer damage.

Do you love hydrangeas, but worry that deer will eat them? You're not alone! Deer are known to enjoy the taste of hydrangeas, and can quickly decimate a plant. If you live in an area with deer, there are a few things you can do to protect your hydrangeas.

One option is to plant deer-resistant hydrangeas. There are a few varieties that deer don't seem to like as much, such as oakleaf hydrangeas (Hydrangea quercifolia) and smooth hydrangeas (Hydrangea arborescens).

Another option is to use a deer repellent. There are many different types of deer repellents available, both commercial and homemade. Be sure to choose a repellent that is safe for hydrangeas, and reapply it regularly.

Finally, you can also try to physically protect your hydrangeas from deer. This can be done by fencing them in, or by using deer netting.

If you're looking for more information about how to protect your hydrangeas from deer, I recommend visiting . This website has a wealth of information on the topic, including articles, videos, and a forum where you can ask questions and get advice from other gardeners.

FAQ of deer eat hydrangeas

Q: Do deer eat hydrangeas?

A: Yes, deer do eat hydrangeas. They are a favorite food of deer, especially the leaves and flowers. Deer will often eat the entire plant, leaving only the bare stems.

Q: Why do deer eat hydrangeas?

A: There are a few reasons why deer eat hydrangeas. First, hydrangeas are a good source of nutrients for deer. They contain protein, fiber, and vitamins. Second, hydrangeas are a high-water plant, which is important for deer, especially in the summer. Third, hydrangeas are a relatively easy plant for deer to eat. The leaves are soft and the flowers are not very tough.

Q: What can I do to prevent deer from eating my hydrangeas?

A: There are a few things you can do to prevent deer from eating your hydrangeas.

  • Plant deer-resistant hydrangeas. There are a few varieties of hydrangeas that deer do not like to eat. These include oakleaf hydrangea, smooth hydrangea, and panicle hydrangea.
  • Use deer repellents. There are a number of commercial deer repellents available. These repellents can be sprayed on the plants or placed around the plants.
  • Install fencing. If you have a large garden, you may want to install fencing around your hydrangeas. This will keep deer out of your garden altogether.
  • Encourage natural predators. If you have deer in your area, you may want to encourage natural predators to live in your area. These predators include coyotes, foxes, and bobcats.

Q: What should I do if my hydrangeas have been eaten by deer?

A: If your hydrangeas have been eaten by deer, there are a few things you can do.

  • Remove the damaged leaves and flowers. This will help to prevent the spread of disease.
  • Fertilize the plants. This will help the plants to recover.
  • Water the plants regularly. This is especially important if the deer have eaten the leaves, which are the main source of water for the plants.
  • Be patient. It may take some time for the plants to recover.

Image of deer eat hydrangeas

5 different images of "deer eat hydrangeas" from Pinterest:

  1. A deer nibbling on the leaves of a hydrangea bush. Image of Deer nibbling hydrangea leaves
  2. A deer standing in a garden, its head turned to look at a hydrangea bush that it has been eating. Image of Deer standing in garden eating hydrangea
  3. A close-up of a deer's mouth, with the leaves of a hydrangea bush visible between its teeth. Image of Deer's mouth with hydrangea leaves
  4. A pile of deer droppings, with the remains of hydrangea leaves visible. Image of Deer droppings with hydrangea leaves
  5. A sign that says "Deer Warning: Hydrangeas are a favorite snack!" Image of Deer warning sign hydrangeas

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